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G+_Gavin Rawson

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  1. Having used a nexus 4 for 6 months and a Galaxy S4 for the last few months I don't think touchWiz is as bad a people make out. Multi screen mode is good and the camera app is much better then stock android.
  2. I think alot of the lack of attention is almost zero marketing and in the past people may have been burned by previous poor LG phones so don't consider them anymore. I like the G2 alot and expect to get it when it's out in the UK.
  3. Another vote for pocket casts. Downcast was the only app I originally missed when I moved from ios to android.
  4. I've still got the navigation app. I did originally side load the new maps app so maybe that's why I've still got it.
  5. I've still got the navigation app. I did originally side load the new maps app so maybe that's why I've still got it.
  6. Agree that your backup shouldn't be lower resolution. I use Google+ as my secondary photo backup for sharing with friends and family. I use skydive as my main cloud storage but might shift over to Google drive now that the android app has been improved.
  7. Jason Howell Gina Trapani Chad Johnson regarding the email you had on the last show about Google+ unlimited photo storage. In the Google+ settings they is a option to upload photos at the lower resolution for unlimited photo uploads. I uploaded 1000+ pics at the weekend without going into my drive allowance from the desktop.
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