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G+_Greg Mcverry

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Everything posted by G+_Greg Mcverry

  1. I am looking for a 38-43 inch HD TV (not 4K) but want a real 120hz refresh not a lame marketing number that was made up. Any suggestions?
  2. So I know this is an Android show but I had to share. Playing with an Xperia with FirefoxOS installed. So far I kind of like it mainly bc it still has so many bugs. There are no apps in the Marketplace but it reminds alot of the early days of Android when I was trying to hack together a Nook with Eclair and then Froyo. I miss the fun of the more open days of Android. Granted my phone works so much better now but being stuck on Verizon (family reasons) I lost any chance of hacking my phone. The one thing I have really liked with the FireFoxOS is how there is nothing I cannot change on the phone down to the core operating system. Hacking is a feature not a bug, I still have to carry around another phone to be able to get anything done but its a start.
  3. If this is too spammy feel free to delete. Have some show friends in India that teach kids basic web skills. They are raising money so the teachers can buy clothes. http://coderdojoerode.networkedlearningcollaborative.com/2015/how-to-help-change-to-world-for-the-cost-of
  4. They were one of the few tech outlets that did not just regurgitate press releases with one line analysis in the beginning and a useless call to comment at the end.
  5. I will check it out and stop in the store, but I think it is a matter of geography. Even the FAQ recommends turning it off when you have dropped calls.
  6. Advanced calling on Verizon is such total nonsense. I bought the Droid Turbo knowing I would not have simultaneous calling and data but was told not to worry, "A software update will fix this" What they did not say is you no longer be able to make phone calls. You read Verizon's website and they say you may experience dropped calls or audio and suggest turning it off. I have never been in an area where Advanced calling works. It is a total scam. So you release a software update that removes the ability to make calls on a phone.. . After you sell me a phone saying data/voice coming soon. I telecommute a lot and need to use my hotspot when on the phone. I am still in 4G so whats up Verizon? I guess I should have known since Big Red should be called Big Red Liars.
  7. I love Android but the play store is 20% useful apps and music and 80% scams. Now musicians are getting in on the act. Check out album art pretending to be popular apps.
  8. So I chose the Droid Turbo over the Nexus Six. Loving the phone so far. I originally leaned towards the turbo because of the smaller form factor. Though after two days of use I am finding that I will need to build up some dexterity in the hands for a truly one handed experience. So one handed operation shouldn't be a deciding factor. My biggest complaint and I hope there is a way to fix this is the home and lock screen are only in portrait mode. I am using Nova launcher, and I have not tried the drive mode in Moto assist (some forums for older Droid phones....is this really a really bad feature baked in?). So is there a way to get lock and home screen in landscape. I do hours of commuting with my phone in a cradle. Landscape makes sense. I might really have to return the phone if this is case....which is a shame because I love this phone.
  9. If you are a sports fan I would stay away. Dish refuses to carry regional sports networks.
  10. Oh that I do not dispute. +Nick Bilton is great. The show was informative and I do have a hard time explaining Twitter to new teachers. I introduce it to ll my students and few take it up. In terms it takes multiple se we all have a soft spot. On a personal note, and at risk of being a cliche, I have a soft spot for the Natalie Morris and/or Jolie's "ahh don't mind my crazy old uncle routine" they get going with JCD.
  11. I just finished listening to Sunday's show and I have to disagree with Leo and Nick Bilton that Twitter is broken. Maybe its because I am a nobody so I don't have my mentions column flooded with hundreds of vitriolic tweets. That @mentions seemed to be the biggest complaint. Sure we have gotten to only write four words because of a long canoe but these conversations can be enlightening while teaching lessons in brevity. Maybe its because I am an educator and we just use Twitter differently. I have around 15-20 hashtags I follow in Tweetdeck and there are hundreds of weekly education related chats that occur on Twitter. Many use a Q and A approach and others just a flood of tweets. Both work and have great value to teachers. It might be a mob mentality but its a helpful mob. If I could do one thing better I would curate lists of some authors I love to read though I am really old fashion and use an RSS reader to accomplish this task. I just do not see Twitter being broken.
  12. I know. The blackout map for mlb.tv is ridiculous. Has to be more games blacked out then played. Idaho, a state with no team, falls in six local markets I think. I have been to Idaho. Only thing local is the wonderful locals.
  13. Update: Guy on phone originally told me my ETF was $200. Turns out weekend out sourced help was wrong. $600 to leave Dish. I can't do that. This is getting ridiculous. I just want to let my three kids enjoy a baseball game with my wife. Is this media landscape we want? Where I am blackedout from America's Game? I need to start watching Cricket.
  14. That is why I had to go with DirectTV. My original hope was to stick with Dish and do MLB.tv but due to the archaic blackout maps (Look at Idaho) I have to eat my early termination fee. All I wanted to do was give some money to somebody so my family good watch baseball.
  15. Yes I just called mlb.tv All of the Yankees games will be blacked out. I love the Hopper (it was second only to UVerse in terms of DVR) service but I think I may have to eat the ETF and switch to DirectTV. I love that I am in a Black Out area and should just watch the local broadcast of games that are not broadcasted to me.
  16. WTF! I am trying to give my money to someone to watch baseball and noone will take it. Thanks for the heads up Douglas Dewing
  17. Thanks everyone. I am leaning towards roku because of the plex support as I am buding media server. Though given my wife's ecosystem I may just do Apple TV and run Plex on chromecast. What I really need is Dish to stop screwing fans in the New York regional markets. Going to cost me north of two hundred dollars so we can watch a subpar team. Why dish doesn't want this money is beyond me.
  18. I am on Dish Network, and they hate sports fans, my wife (much to my chagrin) is trying to raise three Yankees fans. Dish will not negotiate with regional sports networks (YES ) even though that is our local network. They also do mot allow MLB extra innings. So here is my question. I need to subscribe to mlb.tv and it does not have chromecast support. I need to decide: -Do I buy a Samsung smart TV? -Do I buy an Apple TV? -Do I buy a roku box? I wish there was chromecast support for mlb.tv but there isn't so I need to choose one of the above three options.
  19. So Since I downloaded 147 Broadway of Barcelona I started getting scores of of Barcelona soccer games. I never Googled European Football or soccer in Chrome on any browser. What do people Is Google Now looking at the file downloads on my phone (I don't mind) or is just a strange coincidence?
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