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G+_Christopher Kay

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  1. Unfortunately I haven't received a survey since July -- Google sometimes forgets about its international users!
  2. ...and yet Sony Xperia phones, renowned the world over for their battery longevity, continues to sell poorly in the US. I think a lot of people say they care about battery life, but when it comes to phone selection they don't actually care all that much.
  3. The Xperia Z4, although unannounced, should rear its beautiful head in the next few months and will be available around July.
  4. Agreed! Sony always makes awesome Xperia accessories, but this one looks pretty special. The voice control should be interesting to try (I guess it'll work best in a small room or bedroom).
  5. I inherited something similar in about 1989 from my dad. It wasn't portable, but it was a Sharp VZ 1000 upright record/cassette/radio player, with an auto-opening door and big wired speakers. It was beautiful and amazing for a 17 year old kid. I have great memories listening to the New Jersey album by Bon Jovi in my bedroom...?
  6. This happened in Australia over the last few years. There is now no Sony stores in Sydney (2 kiosks remain open), and its !makes you wonder how Sony remain viable without a retail presence.
  7. Its not you. Where oh where were the ATV boxes from Sony and a dozen Chinese OEMs? Its great that Razor showed off their box, but it seems more geared towards gaming than just providing a great ATV experience. I am not planning to buy a new TV anytime soon, so I need a set top box.
  8. It'll still cost over $100 in Australia.
  9. Neither. I'd wait a couple of months for newer devices to come along. We're about to see a lot of new stuff at MWC.?
  10. Finally gave in and tried the sidload method as described on Android Authority. No success. I have no idea what adb means, but my Windows 8.1 PC just couldn't recognize it. Guess I'm stuck waiting... again...
  11. John Alvarez which tutorial did you follow? I can see a few online, but some of them use technical jargon that not everyone is familiar with. I really don't want to brick my lovely new Nexus 7 2013.
  12. iPad Today should cover indie multimedia books more often. There are a lot of good books in the iBookstore and iTunes by independent authors.
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