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G+_Victor Chavez

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  1. I had that happen to my N5 as well. I had flashed an updated (factory stock) ROM and was having the same issue. Tried everything and eventually reset the device. It immediately showed up as a registered device and never had the problem again.
  2. An interesting article, if true. Remember that Google rolls out hardware to those of us outside the US at glacial pace. Maybe there is at least a light at the end of the tunnel for those of us wanting Chromecast in Australia. #chromecast #google #quickflix #Telstra http://www.theage.com.au/digital-life/computers/gadgets-on-the-go/quickflix-coming-to-chromecast-and-apple-tv-20140502-zr2ur.html
  3. Twig 247 was interesting, especially the discussion about the possible Google Silver addition phones Vs Samsung. If anybody from Google reads these forums if you want your phones to sell more how is this for an idea? Actually sell them to us overseas in a timely manner and you might be surprised with the results. #google
  4. Originally shared by Daryl Hunt My new TWIT Hoodie arrived today. It's good as here in Australia the weather is getting cooler :)
  5. Maybe worth some discussion "Silicon Valley likes to portray itself as a beacon of opportunity: open to the best and the brightest. However the rhetoric simply doesn't match the reality, with women and minorities almost completely left out" according to new research by Dr Alice Marwick. http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/futuretense/5327856?WT.mc_id=Innovation_Radio-RadioNational-FutureTense%7CSiliconValleyAndTheMythOfAMeritocracyGroupAPhoto.GroupBLink_GPP%7Cabc
  6. Mike Elgan to join TWIT. http://twit.tv/2013/12/05/changes-twit-part-2
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