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G+_Jeff Larkin

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Everything posted by G+_Jeff Larkin

  1. javier rodriguez? agreed, that's what I would have expected. At least they can't get in trouble for favoring their own products.
  2. Chris Holt yes, I know all of this, but my expectation was that Google Assistant would point to this sort of information rather than pointing to a competing product.
  3. One very strange quirk since installing this. Some text messages get routed to my default messaging application (Google's Messenger) and others to the system "Messaging" app. At one point I had 2 notifications for 2 different text messages, 1 from each application.
  4. John Mink I honestly wasn't sure they'd update it, since the phone has gotten such a bad rap. I was afraid they'd just put all of their engineers on the G6.
  5. Oh, I forgot about the time it rebooted and stopped accepting my pattern to unlock and boot. That was a fun one to get back to working condition! I don't think that one was caused by an OTA, I think it was just one of its random reboots.
  6. Nope, it's always been fully stock. Fortunately it's easy to find OTAs to side load now. That's saved it each time the monthly security update has caused mr dead robot. The first time it took a trip back to HTC though. Now it's moved from dead robot to boot loop, so I think that's progress.
  7. Ron Lebron What screen thing is yours doing? My latest is it takes me to the lock screen, but then says my pattern is wrong (it's not).
  8. Joe Phelps Same here. I love the size and shape of it, but the only things I can rely on it to do are hang and crash.
  9. Joseph Cappellino I had an N7 2013 too, it was hard bricked (won't even boot to recovery) by an OTA a year ago. =(
  10. Ron Lebron yeah, I suspect that I have a bad part or two in this unit, but it's out of warranty. The UI freezes all the time and it reboots on its own at least once a week. It finally booted itself, but it doesn't accept my pattern lock (although it accepts it to decrypt and boot).
  11. Wow, if I build a new quad next year, I might pick one of these up for it. That's a great price for the specs!
  12. Yes, I think it's coming from the Google app too, because I sometimes see it crash when I attempt a voice command from the watch.
  13. Well, Google connected me to HTC who wants me to send the device to Memphis for repairs. I've been seeing reports to the product forums of people experiencing the same issue trickle in. Hopefully it's an isolated incident, but if you have an N9 you may want to hold off updating for now (if you can, they often reboot on their own to apply the updates).
  14. Thanks John Adams?. I tried wugfresh already (on the 7), but after 24 hours it was still stuck in flashing the cache partition.
  15. Guillermo Sanchez? it was the OTA. I only tried to flash the N7 to the factory image after the OTA failed. I've not tried flashing the 9 yet until I talk to HTC about the warranty.
  16. That's tough love. I hope they don't decide to update my moto 360 anytime soon.
  17. Same here. Nexus 7 bricked when it automatically installed an update one night. I can't even get it to flash the factory image. Tonight my Nexus 9 seems to have done the same thing. I'm trying a factory reset, but I'm not holding my breath. It's crazy seeing so many reports of nexus devices dying like this. I don't know what they did, but someone in QA really blew it.
  18. It's comparable to Vista in that it seems like many of the UI and UX changes seem to have been made with more consideration to how it looks than how it works. Additionally I'm finding fairly basic apps, even some from Google, that don't work right anymore. There's some great changes under the hood, like Vista, but it's hard to see that forest of good changes through the trees of questionable changes.
  19. It took Aviate to get me to switch my launcher. I had been using ADW in place of TouchWiz on my SGS4. Aviate is novel, but not just for the sake of being novel. The interface is very clean and personal, but I'm no more than two swipes from the right to get to all of the apps. It's far from perfect and I'm hoping Yahoo will give the team enough resources to iterate quickly, but I find the simplicity of it really nice. What would it take to get me to switch again? Maybe something that interfaces directly into my brain so that it truly knows what I'm looking for.
  20. Well, I think it may be an issue with the replacement board. I've read a few other people who've had the same issue, but were able to get it working either via another replacement board or by bending a few contact pins on the board. I've tried bending the pins, no luck, but when I put the original back in the signal is back to normal. I guess I'll have to contact the person I bought this board from, it may be defective. I guess having to charge the battery out of the phone is better than a phone that can't connect. =)
  21. I'm now running stock and it's still jumping around from full bars of "4G" to nothing or a bar of edge. Next step will be calling the carrier and pretending I had it fixed by Samsung and ask if the network may be recording an error for me or something else that might give me useful information. Given my past interactions with them, I expect they'll give up after rebooting doesn't work.
  22. Michael Conrad I've not called the provider yet, although I've thought about it. I've held off because I don't want to explain to them that my phone lost its serial number because I replaced a part. =) Lucas Nichols It does know its IMEI, I just blacked it out. =)
  23. Grant Imahara stopped by the studio yesterday. Here are the two segments he was on camera: Leo Laporte meets Grant: http://www.justin.tv/twit/c/2319008 Grant and Shannon Morse talk to the chatroom: http://www.justin.tv/twit/c/2319062
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