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G+_Rob Szarka

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  1. The connection speed doesn't really seem to be the bottleneck. Some of the apps on the Tivo just crawl, no matter how much bandwidth you throw at them.
  2. Doesn't the button only show up when you're actually connected to a device? That's the way it has worked for me when I've been playing with it over the past few days.
  3. Yes, I get that, George Kozi. But even slimeballs won't bother to write a program to steal your resources if it's not going to accomplish anything. I'm still trying to understand how they are making more than a few bucks at this. Do these programs use only CPU? How many nodes they have computing for them?
  4. But are they getting anything out of it? You can't even join a mining pool with a CPU these days.
  5. I love my Chromebook. What would make it a total win is if it came set up for virtualization right out of the box, so I could run Linux, Windows, etc. when I wanted to without switching to another device or rebooting. If it did that, I'd stop treating them as toys, and I'd be willing to pay a lot more for one!
  6. How is this even worth doing? CPU mining has been worthless for quite a while now. Do most smartphones have GPUs worth using?
  7. Would be funny, but this: <http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/bering-in-mind/2013/08/12/the-opposite-of-protection-a-fetish-for-used-condoms/>
  8. Bah. Once again, Google doesn't support Linux. What do they have against the operating system that has done so much for them?
  9. So, wait. Wired's solution to my info overload is to give me another place I'm supposed to check?
  10. Unfortunately, Steve made a major misstatement when he claimed that SMTP traffic is not encrypted when passed from server to server: the vast majority of mail servers on the 'net today support STARTTLS.
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