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Android Pay success, with some quirks

G+_Dudley Adams

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Very interesting. The tap and sign is probably a product of the backward half way house that the usa is implementing with regards credit card security. Chip and sign is being introduced instead of the globally used chip and pin though the fact that you also had tap and pin... Maybe it is up to the retailer to implement pin or sign???

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Mark Stronge I used several of my Chip cards in England this year. They are only chip and sign without exceptions. The merchant can't alter that experience. Chip cards are at least consistent.


The tap an PIN, while welcome, I have no idea if the merchant triggers the final user identification or not. Any prolonged inconsistency in the user experience will kill tap and pay IMHO.


The US has a long history of being different for no apparent reason.


120v not 240v


Top loading Washing machine not front loading.

Now we can add chip and sign not chip and PIN.


In the past the US could get away with being different thanks to being the dominant economy in the world. That's changing however....

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