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There s also a new Tap & Pay section, which manages Android Pay and will allow you to input a cre...


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There’s also a new Tap & Pay section, which manages Android Pay and will allow you to input a credit card and pay for stuff using that card from your phone. So it’s not quite active yet so I can’t really demonstrate any of the features but when it does become up and running, I’ll be sure to test it in detail. But in the future, this will probably be where you have all your Android Pay settings.


The battery section doesn’t look any different though so if we go to the battery section here, it’s going to look very similar to previous versions of Android. However, there is a built-in dose feature which uses the sensors in your phone or your tablet to determine when you’re not using your device to help conserve battery power. You can’t really see anything different here but I will be sure to test the dose feature in detail over the course of the next few days and weeks but I’m assuming standby time will, in theory, be greatly improved.


The last thing that I want to mention is the Easter egg that we can find by going to the About section and tapping on Android version M, which pops up with a Material Design alphabetical letter M. nothing happens when you tap on it but if you long press on it, you get this little shrug, this emoticon here that shrugs. So the official name of the next version of Android isn’t official yet.

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