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top 10 android mobile in India

G+_Chris Stone

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top 10 android mobile in India

Google’s  operating system accounts for a vast majority in today’s smartphone market. In recent times, many  flagship smartphones come with 4GB of DDR4 RAM, equivalent to the RAM available on a normal laptop. Alongside, while you may still be using a Full HD television at home, the screen resolution on top tier smartphones has been moved to 2K, and in some cases, even 4K. The camera quality has also improved massively, and is steadily progressing with each new smartphone. With all of these in mind, there are a lot of options to go through. Here, we give you a list of the best  smartphones to buy in India, in August . These smartphones offer the right mix of performance and features. Click on each of the recommended top 10 smartphones to read their detailed reviews, and get more information on the best smartphones in India.





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