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Three part question for the AAA community

G+_Jeff Brand

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Three part question for the AAA community..


1. In what episode was the Google Store's Video Chat feature discussed? I can't find it..


2. After some digging within Google itself (unsurprisingly, Google Video Chat is a common search phrase) I attempted to start a chat only to receive a "Thanks for contacting us!" message. I've tried this on Firefox and Chrome after installing the necessary plugin, and my phone with no luck.


Has anyone tried this recently with success?


And now the challenging question...

3. Where would one submit a bug report to Google regarding a bug in Google Now's "From any screen" settings?


I attempted to submit it here https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=162751 but was told that I wasn't in the right place. The mod suggested I report it to the app but according to App Info the Google Settings "app" is part of Google Play services which doesn't appear to have its own app entry in the store.


It looks like I've just gotten stuck in some sort of bureaucratic developer purgatory and reinforcing the notion of poor customer support from Google, even among the developer community.


Where's JBQ when we need him?


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