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Last night 's show had not one but two awesome guests!

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Last night's show had not one but two awesome guests! Michael Crider of Android Police and Myriam Joire of tnkgrl Mobile. Along with Jason Howell and Ron Richards, many ambitions were detailed.


We go a little Blackberry Classic tangent, so forgive us for that. Otherwise, Google's MVNO plans, Cyanogen's no-Google plans, Yota Phone 2 review, charging for virtual gas, and more.




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This week's episode was excellent, Jason Howell?? and Ron Richards?


I'd love to see more of Michael Crider?? and Myriam Joire?? on the show. The four of you worked so well together


Don't feel bad about going off on a tangent - even the great Leo Laporte?? does that - and it was an interesting part of the show?

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I always enjoy watching/hearing Myriam Joire's opinion on Android and other competing platforms. she's well informed, makes no apologies for saying things like the iPhone 6 Plus takes great photos and has a good sense of humour. Although the "NSA" joke did get tired quickly. Still, a great episode and Michael Crider was awesome to see for the 1st time. Still miss you Gina Trapani!

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Jason Howell , Ron Richards , and Myriam Joire  you all praised the "Zero Data" initiative Google is pushing, however isn't this very similar to what AT&T and other carriers purposed about making certain app's data free on their network? I understand that there maybe benevolent intentions here, but won't this stifle competition due to the fact that, of two competing apps, one has a data charge and one does not? I believe I remember you guys arguing against this in America previously.  Great show!

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