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I have been teaching myself Basic Web Development Programming I did some research are website...

G+_Vincent Panico

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For JavaScript, Google "Douglas Crockford", and watch every video and read every word you can find. He is the master. I don't know where to send you for Java. I learned back in the version 1 days, and that's so different from today's Java it might as well be a different language.

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Vincent Panico Code Academy is good for a refresher, but is somewhat confusing for beginners, so don't feel too bad about that.


Another great way to learn at least the HTML and CSS is to look at websites in Chrome, right click and select inspect element. You will then get all the HTML, CSS and JavaScript that runs that element on the site. You can edit the HTML and CSS right in the browser, which is awesome for learning how properties effect the elements and layout.


Later on down the road, learn to create modules and plugins for Wordpress and Drupal. I'd say that's 95% of what I do now when I get a new Web client.

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