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Basically do you see the OTA KitKat upgrade to Lollipop being a pain? I am looking to upgrade fr...

G+_Shaun Snee

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Basically do you see the OTA KitKat upgrade to Lollipop being a pain?  I am looking to upgrade from my ancient Motorola Atrix 4g (Gingerbread) to a new Android phone, most likely a Samsung Galaxy 5S or Alpha.  Should I wait until I can buy the phone I want with Lollipop already on it?  Or get a phone that has KitKat and then just upgrade to Lollipop OTA?

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Generally, OTAs are relatively painless.  The real question is if/when you're going to get it.  I think the current rumors are that the S5 will get it in about 3 months.


Personally, my current choices I tell people about are the Nexus 5 (or 6, if you don't mind a behemoth) or the MotoX (2014).  They both already have Lollipop on the bench.  The N5 has the Dev Preview now and waiting on the official OTA (maybe even between today and Wednesday).  And, the MotoX has the official OTA via the soak test which should be rolled out everywhere shortly.


Basically, if you want the phone now, get the phone now and worry about OTAs later.  But, if you want speedy updates, get the Nexus or X (even the LG G3).


Also, it's the Galaxy S5 (5S is the iPhone).  ;-)

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