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The program isn 't complete until it is an executable file

G+_Myron Reiss

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The program isn't complete until it is an executable file. Maybe they will get into that later, but I also want to know how to execute the program and give it to my friends. 


How do I get my program out of Microsoft Visual Studio Express?

How do I get it into my Android phone and run?

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Once you have compiled the program using f5 it appears in your projects folder under bin  debug as an exe file. Just give that to your friends and they can run it as long as they have the dot net framework installed on their computer as it is required for any c# program since it is a dot net language. 


You can not put it on your android phone though as android does not support c#. You would need to learn to use http://xamarin.com/android or http://www.mono-project.com/Main_Page to make your code cross platform for it to run on android. If you want something that runs easily on android you need to look in to Java.

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