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So, this stuff on the show about a factory reset helping with performance

G+_David Herron

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So, this stuff on the show about a factory reset helping with performance. 1) Does it work? 2) Do you need to back up your apps? Doesn't the phone just start downloading all your apps again once you sign in to your account? 3) If you need to back up, how would a non-rooted user do that?

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Yes it works. As long as all your apps came from the Play Store or Amazon's app store, your apps are already backed up at those services. What you do need to back up is all your data. If you're non-rooted, I recommend My Backup for backing up your data. It will also back up any apps you want, which is useful if any came from non-official sources. I assume you've already cleared caches, but if not, try that before resetting.

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I don't think you need to do a factory reset. What I would suggest is go through your phone and uninstall all apps that might be doing something in the background (except the ones you absolutely need).  These would include things like facebook, widgets, things that mod your UI e.g. notification toggles.


Then if your rooted boot into CWM and clear cache. Make sure that you also disable background syncing for apps you have left. e.g. currents.


This will essentially do everything a factory reset would do, minus the reinstalling of everything.

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