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Sorry guys, I got nothing this week - behind on my app and didn 't have time to write anything n...

G+_Nate Follmer

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Sorry guys, I got nothing this week - behind on my app and didn't have time to write anything new, but here's the answer to my problem from last week:


using System;


namespace Fib


class MainClass


public static void Main (string[] args)



long sum = 0;

long j = 1;

long k = 1;

long upperlimit = 4000000000;

long evensum = 0;


while(j <= upperlimit)



if (j % 2 == 0) { 

Console.WriteLine (j + " " + "*");

evensum += j;

} else {

Console.WriteLine (j);







Console.WriteLine ("Even Sums = " + evensum);





All you had to do was change the variables to types capable of handling bigger numbers. int will max out at 2,147,483,647 - not big enough to hold 4,000,000,000 - A long or a double variable can be used to solve this problem. 


Just change the upperlimit to a long and leave the rest of the variables at int's... Watch what happens :) 

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