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Google I O predictions

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Google I/O predictions


Its the day before Google I/O when I usually make my crazy predictions but this year, I got nothing.


We all know there will be some VR stuff and we will hear more about Android N and highly likely Project Tango. but Google has been able to keep things really quiet this year. Which is good, because it should mean that we will generally surprised. But regardless here are my quick predictions.


1. I started off the year predicting that we will see Android and Chrome OS becoming a lot closer at this event and I am going to stick with it and I just don't think its just the play store being available on Chrome OS, there will be more hooks, and the pixel C should benefit.


2. Hugo Bara has indicated that he will be on stage for the first time since he left Google. (Nexus Xiaomi??) Thus there will be devices and services and probably some announcements involving China. The Play Store coming to China? Xiaomi products featured in the Google Play Store? Google buy Xiaomi?? All crazy predictions but I think the idea of a Xiaomi/Google partnership is plausible with the play store availability sitting at around 60% possibility. All I want is Hugo to walk on stage and get a real bro hug from Sergey Brin.


3. Developers, developers, developers. I think we are going to see a lot of discussions on the under the hood improvements of Android in this keynote. And I mean a lot. I think that we are going to be amazed at how much they talk about the "boring" stuff.


4. Games and multiplayer integration. Yes games make money on Android, and Google has been focusing a lot on multiplayer elements. Expect to see at least one demo focusing on this with a lot of talk on how the new tools will take mobile gaming to a new level


5. Google will announce Google Fiber is coming to Trinidad and Tobago and Google plans to provide service throughout the entire country,, sparking a new silicon valley in the Caribbean Island and putting a strong focus on Caribbean app development. Oh sorry the last one is just wishful thinking.

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