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Android "L " Preview

G+_Graham Forte

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Originally shared by Joseph Cappellino


Android "L" Preview


One thing I noticed with my brief tenure with the Android "L" Developer Preview is that they completely removed Lock Screen Widgets... and no one's talking about it!!!  O_o


If you notice, swiping right still opens the camera (like 4.1+), but swiping left now opens the dialer.  There is no way to add widgets, or even change the main one.  Very strange.




#androidl   #lockscreenwidgets  

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Actually people are talking about removal of lock screen widgets, most reviews have at least mentioned it.

It's still early, so we have to wait and see what happens with final release. Though it might be that lock screen widgets weren't used that much and now with Android Wear odds are that usage of lock screen widgets would decline even further.

Jeremy Woodruff It has been discussed a lot that Google dev responsible for full screen album art stated at I/O that it will be back for sure, it just wasn't ready for preview release.

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