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I am completely dumb when it comes to rooting my phone

G+_Joshua Gaede

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Are you asking for help rooting or help with reskinning? To reskin I say install Nova Launcher and you are mostly there. You may want to try a different dialer and contacts app from Google Play. If you want to avoid Samsung's setting menus try one if the Quick Settings apps on Play.


Otherwise towelroot is where I would start with the rooting. Don't rely on me or hold me responsible. Google search your pjone model and see what others are experiencing. If it were my phone, after root I would install clockwork mod recovery and make a back up immediately, then instead of putting on a new ROM I would install exposed framework and look at some of the modules for making Samsung look better. But do some research on each step. Don't take my word for it. Using Google search terms describing what you want to do and adding XDA at the end will get you the relevant threads from the XDA forums.?

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