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Really loving the new auto awesome movies feature in G+!

G+_Michael Healy

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Really loving the new auto awesome movies feature in G+! Definitely didn't think i'd be that into it but I gotta say it does a FANTASTIC job! Atleast so far anyway. This alone is gonna get my girlfriend whose a "normal" person to use G+ a LOT more. You should all check it out if you haven't already.

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its in the new g+ update it's rolling out. you might not have gotten it yet. Also, unfortunately the auto awesome movie feature is only on nexus devices with 4.3 right now. the update said specific devices with 4.3, so i'm not sure if that means nexus only or if any phone with 4.3 will get that feature.

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Has anyone else noticed that on a device that isn't the image source, the Auto Awesome movie only has access to a limited set of photos? I can see all of my photos in the regular Highlights or Albums views, but I only see one old album and about six weeks of highlights as selectable for a movie. Ugh, I also keep exiting Google+ by accident because the UI isn't consistent any longer.

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