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Ron Amadeo, great article here though when you had this interaction and blamed it on Android Auto:

G+_Ken H

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Ron Amadeo, great article here though when you had this interaction and blamed it on Android Auto:


Me: "Send a hangouts message to Bob, 'Hi how are you?'"

Auto: "OK, here's your message to Bob 'Hi, how are you?' Do you want to send it?"

Me: "Yes"

Auto: "OK, here's your message to Bob 'Hi, how are you?' Do you want to send it?"

Me: "Yes?"

Auto: [silence, command fails]


I've actually had this happen a few times in Google Now in my car. Not often but it does happen just the same way. I'm not sure why or what corrects it but there are occasions where it frustrates the crap outta me (which is bad for driving however you take that, haha).


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