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Does anyone know how to tell my phone that beeping to let me know that it 's charging does not q...

G+_gregg nichols

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Yeah, that's just the thing I'm talking about. Every time I put my Nexus 6 on my TYLT dock, it makes this loud sound to let me know that it's charging, as if lighting up the screen weren't enough, as well as the dock its self changing the status of its LED.


It's very annoying when I go to bed after my wife does, and I put the device on the dock, assuming it's in "Priority Only" mode, and this LOUD chime blurts out, waking her up. It's obnoxious!

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Yes, I could turn that down every night before I go to bed, then turn it up when I get up. Or I could have something like Tasker do it. Both of those options are workarounds though, and only show how dumb it is that Google didn't think about this. I don't want to have to run a completely separate application to assist in something that should be worked into this new feature of Lollipop in the first place!

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It seems like Lollipop was rushed, many little annoyances like this. Since most issues would've been found with just a little testing I'm fairly certain that the Android team are well aware of them but for some reason didn't have time to fix it. 





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