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I used to like Florence ion but lately she always says stupid things

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From what I can see on google the Z5 Compact is just now getting a Marshmallow update so I'd say saying it's not updated is pretty accurate. Sony doesn't sell phones in the US hardly at all, so not knowing the update schedule for them isn't very unusual for an American focused journalist.

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Christos Tsartsalis the question she was responding to came from someone in the US who was looking to buy a phone, The Z5 is only available on AT and T and T mobile and Sony has a bad history of updates in the US, in this case nothing she said was out of order. Could you please point out another example cause. I have seen all 3 hosts make "mistakes" since I have been watching the show and Ron almost no knowledge of phones outside of the US a few months ago Ron was blown away by quick charge something many of us have been using for 2 years, Flo actually tests the most phones of the 3 (she is a reviewer after all)

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Im in Japan which Sony is (of course) quite popular - but it seems to me that they just dropped the ball in the U.S (and my homeland Australia). In Japan, they just rely on them being a Japanese company for their phones etc to sell.


All three of the hosts make mistakes and dont know things eg: specs often comes to mind. They could all do with better prep time. BUT we all have that problem from time to time....

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