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Great perspective for students

G+_Jeff Roach

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Great perspective for students...


Originally shared by vizwik


Highlights from The 2014 #HourofCode Video Chat with Ashton Kutcher


#Vizwik   #edchat  


"I really wish that I had learned how to code, because I see the world quickly becoming a world where, if you can't code, you end up getting told what to do. And I've never liked getting told what to do ever in my life."


"I'd take [coding] seriously because, on it's face it looks like this daunting, scary thing that you don't know how to do, but it can be learned."


"All around my industry and every industry, there is technology...it's kind of the backbone of everything."


"I really believe coding should be part of the core curriculum of every school around the world...because I believe in building things.


"We are all better when we are actively building things."


Tech he's most excited about:

- self-driving cars,

- space travel,

- computers that think more like humans,

- big data solutions for healthcare.


Advice on how to make high school years amazing:

"In high school...nobody feels like they fit in...if you can make a pact with your friends to make an effort, together, to make everybody feel good about who they are, and feel good about who they are as individuals, and feel like it's okay to be an individual you can have a really connected community inside your school and build a really awesome support group for yourself and help you overcome problems that you'll have and maybe even make friends for the rest of your life."

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