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This happens often enough that I 'm curious if others have the same issue with some app updates ...

G+_James Armstrong

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This happens often enough that I'm curious if others have the same issue with some app updates from the Play Store. I updated Google+ yesterday, and this evening Google+ was in my update list again. Nothing unusual, but when I select update, I'm greeted with 'Open' or 'Uninstall', no selection for 'Update'. I've had it happen with several different apps and not just Google+. If I back out, then re-select update, (sometimes it takes more than once), then the 'Update' option will be there. Does the app really need to be updated? Or is it applying the same update again because it's not recognizing it's already been updated? That doesn't make much since to me, but neither does not having an 'Update' option for an update. Maybe a bug or just a quirk with Google Play?

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I have noticed the same thing. I don't know how often, maybe same as Steven, once or twice a week. At first I thought maybe the first update didn't finish. I also have the problem of some updates not showing the update button, and if I have many updates, I accidentally tap the Open button and have to back out and it then shows the update button. I figured it's a play store bug.

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