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Anyone else experiencing this annoying memory leak in primarily the surfaceflinger process on the...

G+_Albert Robbins

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Anyone else experiencing this annoying memory leak in primarily the surfaceflinger process on their Android device? See screenshot where I've circled the "system" memory usage which steadily increases over time reducing the amount of memory available for cached processes. The screenshot shows the state after about a month uptime on my Nexus 4 with stock 4.4.4.



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Sure, but not fixing bugs like these is not ok. Recommending Android isn't as appealing if I have to add that you have to reboot it at least once a week to ensure optimal performance. Compared to for example my colleagues Lumia phones that have been running for months without any issues. Also reminds me too much of my old Ericsson p1i that rebooted automatically a couple of times per week during calls with the message: rebooted to ensure optimal performance. ?

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