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Hey everyone The time has come for my middle school daughter to get her own phone I 've settle...

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Hey everyone. The time has come for my middle school daughter to get her own phone. I've settled on the Moto E. 


I'm struggling with how to set up her account. Do I,


(a)  Create a secondary account on my main gmail account for her?


(b) Create a brand new Google account for her (and lie about her age, since she's not yet 13)?


© Create a "Family" google account for apps and backups, and let her use her school-issued gmail account for email.


I'm sure that someone in the AAA community has tried all of these. Can you tell me what worked and what didn't?


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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I always lie about their age.  My kids have their own accounts.  I'm not so sure I'd go with the Moto E, but that's just me.  My oldest (8th Grade) gets me the hand-me-downs when the wife or I upgrade.  He's on a Galaxy S III right now.  My youngest (5th Grade) still has a dumbphone but uses a Nexus 7 at home.  I'm holding out but did notice that most of the kids in his class all had smartphones when we went on a field trip.  

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