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Hey everyone, need some help


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Here's the thing - when she goes to look at the photos from the camera, it takes her to Google Photos (G+ right) and she's bumping the delete button from there... if it would default and take her to gallery (like older versions of Android) then she would have to hit the menu button to delete... I'm just worried that we're missing pictures now and that's a big deal to parents of new kids...

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James Thatcher not sure what you are asking here as if you are in the photos app, if you attempt to delete a photo a pop up comes up asking if you wish to delete the photo from everywhere. If you are in the camera app you have to swipe the photo upward to delete it. I suggest however that you enable backup for your photos automatically, if you do not want to use Google backup you can use dropbox or another service using IFTTT, here is a recipe for that https://ifttt.com/recipes/165420-android-automatically-backup-all-new-photos-to-dropbox I would also suggest you install a 3rd party gallery app so that if you do delete the picture it will just be on the phone and you will be sure to get a confirmation b4 you delete , here are 2 choices https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alensw.PicFolder and https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.flayvr.flayvr

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James Thatcher yep that's why  you could enable a double backup as well as get her to use the 3rd party galleries so that if she deletes them in there you still have them in the cloud as the 3 party apps only delete from the device. By the way you can enable automatic camera upload straight from the dropbox app. If you want camera upload for other services you can use an IFTTT recipe. 

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