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So I first have to admit that I let Twit netcasts play all night long while I sleep

G+_David Rice

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So I first have to admit that I let Twit netcasts play all night long while I sleep. Leo Laporte's voice soothes me better than any white noise. 

Last night, I was dead asleep when around 3 am my Moto X starts blaring a tone I've never heard. I resurfaced enough to turn the noise off and I thought, what the heck? Macbreak Weekly was currently playing, and I heard Leo say something about his Moto X, so I rewound a couple of minutes and discovered that what set my phone off was Leo demonstrating the command, OK Google Now, Find my phone!

It made me laugh. But really, shouldn't we be able to customize a personal command prompt instead of everyone saying OK Google Now? ?

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