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Will the Google Pixel get at least 4 years of updates? If it is that 'll be great

G+_Ronald Cole Jr

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I'm with Andrew Uschold? on this: old Apple devices don't get all of the new features. I have an old IPad 2 which doesn't have Siri for example. So it's a bit deceptive of Apple if they say that all devices get four years of updates.


Given that most people change phones every two years or so do we need to be able to get updates for four years anyway? 2.5 years would probably do me.

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My guess is that even though it's two years it will really be 3 because they will still be in production for this model for another year and the people who buy it just before the end of life will get two years.. and everybody will get the same from the last one sold, not the first one.

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