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I 've been following the discussion of the open closed nature of Android as it migrated from AAA...

G+_Snuffy Sims

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I've been following the discussion of the open/closed nature of Android as it migrated from AAA to TWiG, and I think the confusion comes from the term "open source".  When people, especially developers, think of open source, they think of "open" in the "open collaboration" sense, like Linux, Mozilla, or Apache.  When Google says Android is open, they mean "we'll let you read the source code".  That's "open" in that it's not proprietary, but it's not what we usually mean by "open source".


I think we need another word for what Android is.  If Google wanted to really make it open, they could release it to the public domain. Then we could call it "public source".  But I'll bet there are still strings attached to the source that makes it not quite public.  Maybe "published source"?

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