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A random telemarketer can call you on your Android phone by robo-dialing random numbers and insta...

G+_Snuffy Sims

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A random telemarketer can call you on your Android phone by robo-dialing random numbers and instantly get your name and photo, thanks to Google.




Of course, you have to have a profile photo, a verified phone number, and have discovery turned on.  Thank god I don't have any of those things, except maybe the last one.

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Alan Char My understanding is if you are registered on the Do Not Call list and receive a telemarketing call there is a reporting tool that will incur fines or penalties on the telemarketers.  I've only gotten maybe 2-3 telemarket calls in the 4 years I've been on the list so I can't speak to if that system exists first hand.  

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Erik Huntoon

The only problem with reporting is that you have to interact them long enough to identify them, which is usually more irritating than just hanging up. Although, when I told one telemarketer that I was on the Do Not Call list, they told me they can call me because "We aren't selling anything. We're advertising!" So go figure.

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