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AAA Episode 253 - To Jason, Ron, & Flo:

G+_Michael Keepper

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AAA Episode 253 - To Jason, Ron, & Flo:

Enjoyed the great discussion in Episode 253 about the slow rollout of Marshmallow by OEMs.

Everything you discussed is why I will stick with Google Nexus devices! I prefer straight Android with no skins and no carrier & OEM bloatware. I am pretty much only Google with a couple of Office substitutes. I avoid the Microsoft trap with its Android apps. I use Google Docs, OfficeSuite (non-MS), and QuickOffice.

I love the quick rollout of the new Android OS and Security Updates to the Nexus devices. I will only buy and use Nexus devices. I mainly only use the Google Now Launcher although I have experimented with other Launchers, but I always go back to the Now Launcher.

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James Eriksen? I have never had any problems with any of my Nexus devices 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9. My battery life is great on my 6 & 9 currently. Granted, there have been folks who have had problems like you. Have no inside knowledge as to why that happens. But overall I believe the Nexus program is great! Enjoying Project Fi with my Nexus 6.

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