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Has anyone here used the app called "Clean Master " by Cheetah Mobile?

G+_Dean Penderghast

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Has anyone here used the app called "Clean Master" by Cheetah Mobile?  It came with my Samsung Note 4 and it keeps reporting memory over usage and CPU overheating and claims to boost performance.


I usually don't trust these type of programs but this one seems to actually work but I can't tell if it's just me or not.  Does anyone else use this program?

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That and battery master, good apps but constantly trigger to make me do maintenance on my phone. Like every 15 mins I have to push a button. What's the point of closing all these battery stealing processes if they open themselves up a few minutes later anyway. I install clean master once a month, clean my phone then remove it. I do like the snapdragon battery saver, I do see a difference in battery life with that app on my note 4.

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Tried CleanMaster a few months ago....very good...does what says and more...but I got fed up with it "nagging"....tho' I followed most of it's suggestions and had no problems with it at all.

Tried CCleaner for a while, but eventually settled on Total Memory Cleaner and Ancleaner....free versions were very good, and then moved on to the Pros.

Been using Comodo for the battery for quite a long time....after having tried quite a few....performs very well.


Samsung Galaxy.

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