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I was thrilled to see that this app was available for at least a few Android phones where it had ...

G+_Tom Gehrke

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Originally shared by Tom Gehrke


I was thrilled to see that this app was available for at least a few Android phones where it had only been available for tablets previously.


But then there were problems...


First, it's landscape only. Not a huge deal but when you couple that with...


It's full screen. Meaning no notification bar. Meaning it's just a little harder to get my username/password out of Lastpass and into this app. It's just a one-time complaint.


More egregious is the fact that it looks like they're just appeasing everyone who complained about the tablet-only app by allowing it to be installed on certain phones. It looks like it's just the tablet version shrunk to fit a phone display. On my S3 the tap targets are tiny.


And finally, once I had everything in line and I was ready to stream from my UltraViolet library I was told that my account had too many devices associated with it.


Why, Vudu. Why? 


#Vudu #Android  


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