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I know there are some comics fans in the community

G+_Tom Gehrke

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I was surprised you hadn't already posted something up, Marlon Thompson. I always check the community first, and more than half the time you've beaten me to the punch. ;) 


(Which is totally cool, BTW. As long as someone's sharing I don't care who it is.) 


In Ron's honor I snagged the free issue #1 of The Walking Dead because I've never read it. I don't much care for the whole zombie genre unless it's spoofy (e.g. Zombieland, Shaun of the Dead, etc.) I know... I just lost all kinds of Geek Cred with that admission. But since I hear it's not so much about zombies as it is about good characters who happen to be dealing with a zombie situation, that might work. We'll see.

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LOL Tom Gehrke I was going to post it last night but got caught up in downloading issues and reading. I have the entire Walking dead series and it is moving a bit slow right now but the first 50 -60 issues or so were an emotional rollarcoaster, its one of the few comics in recent times that made me really care for the characters and be emotionally affected when something happened to them. Kirkman is a brilliant storyteller. 

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