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Padre mentioned that the chat room asked about Google 's GO language

G+_Lee Crocker

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Padre mentioned that the chat room asked about Google's GO language. I'd like to wholeheartedly endorse it. It's mature enough now for serious work, and I think it would be a great language for learning programming concepts. The compiler is available on most platforms.


It's a lower-level language like C (from which it draws much inspiration), but with additions carefully chosen to increase its power without overcomplicating it, and with a complete and well made library. It succeeds in making a usable, rock-solid, fully-compiled system language that can also do more advanced things, where C++ attempted and failed so spectacularly.


I used Go for about half of my challenges on CodeEval. http://github.com/lcrocker/Coding-101/blob/master/closest.go , for example, is my NlogN solution to the closest points problem.


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My only issue with Go is that it can automatically download and install dependencies BUT it does not allow you to specify a specific version of a given dependency, so it is possible to have working Go code that will break eventually. Apparently they are working on fixing this though, but I do not recommend Go for anything serious until this is fixed.

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