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Hey all I know that this has been posted before, and I haven 't quite found something I like

G+_Alex Kruger

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Hey all I know that this has been posted before, and I haven't quite found something I like. I'm looking for a Timesheet/ Punch in/out app.


I don't really care how it looks, and if I need to pay a little, thats fine.


I need something that allows for punch in/ punch out. I don't need projects (though I can create one, and just leave it)


What I really need, is something that can export to HTML or .cvs with all my hours added up, and if possible a prediction of the rest of the pay period.


My employer has us submit our own time sheets, and we get paid at the end of the pay period, for that pay period. I'd love if I could just email a cvs with everything he needs

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