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So, I just got my invite for Google Inbox and have installed the Android app

G+_Phil Chung

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So, I just got my invite for Google Inbox and have installed the Android app. It will take some getting used to, but has potential i think. What I am finding though are that notifications for new emails aren't coming through or are slow. I receive a notification on my Gmail app, but to see the email in Inbox, I have to do a pull to refresh to see the email. Is anyone else getting slow/no notifications in Inbox?

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I'll certainly give it a go. What I do like is that I can see if there are new items in social/promotions/updates without me having to pull up the label in the Gmail app (which is where I live most for my email), but not get notified about new items arriving in those labels. What I want are notifications for my unbundled emails that come through. That's what I'm not seeing at the moment.

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I could use an invite if you have any left...  This may help:


If you have Inbox, just hover over the "+" icon (or tap it on iOS or Android), and look for the golden-ticket icon above the "Compose" icon. It says "Invite to Inbox." Select it, and enter the email address of the person you want to invite.

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