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Hey AAA community!

G+_Scott Perrino

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Hey AAA community! So i just got a new HTC one m8 thanks to Gina Trapani always saying positive things about it. I wanted to give it a shot as i have only used Samsung phones for sometime and wanted to try something new. Anyways can anyone recommend some Apps for it like maybe a lock screen notification app that is better then stock? I know Jason Howell has done this on his show before but i wanted to see what the users recommend and have used 

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Outisde of the Dropbox,copy,boc,spideroak,G. drive and MS cloud.. and yeah I recommend having a couple of free cloud storage apps.

You can have one of them for music and another for pictures.

As I recommend the carousal app from Dropbox, I love that it groups the pictures by date and auto backs them up to dropbox.

Gas buddy is another one.


I know it isn't a lock screen app, but these are a couple I fond very useful.

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