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I am suffering from the same symptoms that Jason Howell described

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I am suffering from the same symptoms that Jason Howell described. My Galaxy Nexus is becoming extremely laggy and slow. There are Apps out there, like Greenify (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.oasisfeng.greenify&feature=more_from_developer#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEwMiwiY29tLm9hc2lzZmVuZy5ncmVlbmlmeSJd) that are supposely taking care. But I have not rooted my phone and also don't plan to. 



1) Are there Apps like Greenify that do not require root

2) What's the best process to reset the phone? Most of my data lives in the cloud, so I think I am just going to save all pictures, videos and music to my laptop, note down all installed apps, and then push some big button to reset the phone back to factory settings or so. 


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