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So, after my upgrade to Android 5 0 today i get all my apps loaded and I am going through them

G+_Bill Bynum

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So, after my upgrade to Android 5.0 today i get all my apps loaded and I am going through them.  Well, i get to  #talon  for   #twitter   and it says i have no tokens.  I go to play store and there is a NEW version of Talon.  It is THE EXACT SAME APP, with the UI changes.  So, I go to download it as I already paid the $3.99 for the app months ago and...boom..... it wants me to pay again.  So, i pay the app with the expectation I would be refunded once I reach out to dev because I have already paid so I much be entitled to the update....  Well, that is not the case.... When i reach out to the dev, this is the response i get....




* *" I am not sure

why you think that you are entitled to a lifetime of updates on $1.99 app.

I am a 20 year old college student and this is my job. I am sorry that you

do not think it is worth paying for, but I work hard and do everything I

can to make the best product. Sometimes upgrades cost money, that is how

business works."**



I find this to be CRAZY that I have to purchase the app AGAIN because of some UI changes and that his first version ran out of tokens.  I had this app less then ONE YEAR and I do not get a update?!?!?!?  


Just wanted to get the word out about this shady dev,  *KLINKER APPS* is the dev.  I would suggest everyone avoid his apps unless you wanna pay again when a update is needed.  


+Google Play +Google +Twitter ?

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Elizabeth Whitmire I am not sure what u are missing.. I DID pay for the app... I paid for the app less than a year ago.  When i upgraded to android 5.0 the app would not work anymore so I needed to upgrade, but in order to get the upgraded version that worked on lollipop I was forced to pay AGAIN?  it was not a new app, it was a update to the app i paid for... but to get the update I had to pay again.  You think I should have to buy an app TWO TIMES in less then a year because the android version changed?  

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It did not work for me, it kept taking me to sign into twitter where it would then say it had no token.  i had the proper play store version per instruction.  regardless, it's the same app just updated to work on the new version of android. someone shouldn't have to pay for a app again because the android version changed.  and then be a asshole about.  

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The reason there's a new app is because they reached the token limit with Twitter. Twitter only lets client apps have a certain number of user authorizations before they block you. Then the only thing you can do is create a new app with a new signature. From what I remember on AAA that's what he did and supposedly updated it to use lollipop features.


He also released the code to github so anyone who wanted to register their own Twitter client could do so.

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