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Sorry for mostly doing keyboard reviews but I don 't use much apps!

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Sorry for mostly doing keyboard reviews but I don't use much apps!


GKOS Keyboard Review

Wondered what typing would be like if the keyboard was like a guitar? These folks did! This is a review of the corded keyboard, GKOS.


This keyboard has two layouts, the GKOS Optimized layout and the Alphabetical layout. They are slightly different in that the Optimized Layout has a few keys rearranged. You can switch between them in settings.


There are 3 big buttons on each side with two small buttons in between. In the middle is a w key and a key that quickly types common word endings. Add a backspace and space key and you have this keyboard.


By default, the keyboard doesn't replace your stock keyboard but they include an app that allows you to use the keyboard inside the app. This way you can test it out without replacing your normal keyboard.


It also has some themes and other customizability options including one handed mirroring.


Should you download this keyboard? No. It is slow and it requires double the amount of clicks to type some of the letters.

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