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Keymonk Keyboard Review

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Keymonk Keyboard Review

Have you ever wondered what Swype would be like with two fingers? Maybe not, but a developer has and the solution is called #Keymonk Let's take a look!


This keyboard looks like any other keyboards in the fact that it is a standard QWERTY keyboard. What makes it different though is when you put two fingers down at the same time and start swiping. Like Swype and SwiftKey you can glide with one finger to make a word; however, with this you can essentially do thumb typing with Swype style gestures.


Say you wanted to type the word Hello. You will first place your finger on the h then a different finger on e and move the finger that was on h to llo to complete the word. This may sound like it takes a lot of time but it only takes a few seconds.


You can also drag from the symbols key to any symbol and the period key has extra symbols with a drag.


It is also resizable by dragging up on the delete key.


Now for some downsides.

1. This keyboard doesn't include a prediction dictionary unless you pay for the full version.

2. Doesn't correct words that you type manually till after you hit space.

3. Hasn't been updated since December, 2012.


Should you buy it? I say no. It is too much of a novelty item and doesn't work that well.


Download from here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.keymonk.full

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