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MyScript Stylus Review

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MyScript Stylus Review

Do you have a device with a stylus or maybe you want to type using your handwriting? Well, I have an app for you that will allow you to type system-wide using your handwriting; Today, we are taking a look at MyScript Stylus!


This keyboard includes the standard setup screen seen in most keyboards like SwiftKey and Swype; this will allow you to pick your language and enable the keyboard. After the setup process, it then has a "Welcome Guide" which shows you some special gestures that you can use to edit text. For example, you can draw a curve beneath and between the last letter of the first word and the first letter of the second word that you want to join together. Also, to split a word that was accidently joined together, draw a vertical line between the two words. There are a lot more but these are just a couple that you will use most often.


In the settings for the app you can change a few things. First, you can change the thickness and color of the text you write. Also editable are the baseline position and text size. The baseline is the dotted line you write on. Other than that, there isn't much in terms of customisation; however, this isn't a bad thing per say, as it does what it needs to do well.


So what are the downsides of this keyboard? Well for one thing, it is just handwriting so if you need to use a normal keyboard you will have to switch to one when you need it. Also, It's really slow to use without a stylus.


So would I recomend that you download this keyboard? Despite the downsides, I think that you should; however, if you do use it, you should use a stylus as it is a lot easier to use it with one.


Download this keyboard from here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.visionobjects.stylusmobile.v3_2_store


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