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Question for the Triple A team and anyone in chat realm

G+_Omega Follis

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Question for the Triple A team and anyone in chat realm.


Know how some apps, like banking apps, won't let you screen capture? (I use WF)


I know there other some options like using the web version... but I was thinking there has to be a more convenient option.


It seems that if there was an app that was only an invisible layer, you could open it on top of your banking app. That way when you screen capture, the banking app isn't the 'active' display. Screen shot the invisible/clear app layer and boom! Proof of payment now saved as a pic like the good old days of 2013 lol.


So do you if an app like that exists? Just a clear layer?


I've tried to search, but I must not be searching for it with the write words. I can't be the only one that have thought of this.


Chatrealm/Community: Are there any app devs that have already done this in the group?



The thanks all.

(Love the show, been with ya since the beginning.)

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