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Jason Howell Gina Trapani Ron Richards

G+_Akshay Sharma

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Jason Howell Gina Trapani Ron Richards 

Hi Guys. 

Firstly, thanks for a great show. Keep up the great work!

I was hoping to get an answer from the show (or the audience)... I'm looking for a Contacts app that can sync with a GMail account NOT setup on the device. There are plenty of alternate Contacts App but they all seem to use the contacts that are synced from the Google accounts setup on the device.


I'm looking to have the contacts of a secondary account in an app that does not mix them up with my personal contacts.



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While I'm not Jason, Gina, or Ron, here's my 2 cents. I do not think there is a way to do this without the Google account bring linked to the phone .... BUT, every contact app I've seen (including stock app) gives you a setting for "contacts to display" where you can choose which linked Account(s) contact info you want to display in that app. You can then have 2 apps with 2 different accounts showing. Good luck.

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