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Hello AAA peeps! Are you digging the new Pocket Casts by Shifty Jelly like I am? It is pretty a...

G+_Dean Chauvin

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Hello AAA peeps!  Are you digging the new Pocket Casts by Shifty Jelly like I am?  It is pretty awesome.


I am having a new 'issue' that wasn't present in previous versions, though.  Perhaps it is a 'feature' instead....I guess it depends on how you look at it.  When watching a video podcast and I pause it, typically the screen stays on/lit until it naturally turns off per the display settings on my phone...this also locks my phone, requiring the password to unlock it.  With the latest Pocket Casts, the screen stays on and fully lit until I get back to it....keeping my phone unlocked.  Besides using up extra battery power, it is a security issue since anyone could get into my phone 10 minutes after I pause it, for example, since it is still on and unlocked, paused on the video.  Is there a way to disable this?

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Other than un-checking the "keep screen on" option? Hit the power button if security or power is important. If you do ask the devs, please don't have them change how it works now. Perhaps an "also keep screen on when not playing" as a second option in addition to the existing one.

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