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I have a set of DAT files that I am wanting to change the extension to part of the filename

G+_Wesley Robinson

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The .DAT file is generated from an outside source. The file is a CAD database entry that needs to be changed before the CAD program will be able to use it. Currently I am having to rename them everyday. The initial file is coming in as allam####YYMMDD.DAT where #### are an incremented sequence everyday and the rest is the date. The file name I need is bdailyMM.DD. I have written a couple of batch files that rename the ####YY to bdaily and drop the allam off the front of the file but i cant figure out how to drop the .DAT and move the decimal to where the DD is the extension.

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Easy enough to do in Python:

# Python file rename program

# Rename files from somename123.DAT to somename1.23


import os


print "Renaming Files...\n",

RenCount = 0

for filename in os.listdir("."):

   if filename.endswith(".DAT"):

      # Remove ".DAT"

      NewName = filename[:-4]

      if len(NewName) >= 3:

         NewName = NewName[:-2] + "." + NewName[-2:]

         os.rename(filename, NewName)

#         print filename, NewName   

         RenCount += 1


print "Finished. Files Renamed:",RenCount

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