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Looks like Long Press, previously only on iOS (due to force touch) has made it 's way to Android...

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Looks like Long Press, previously only on iOS (due to force touch) has made it's way to Android on Instagram! Currently only available in beta so it's not yet in the Google Play Store. Download link in video description, though!



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It's not new.. it's new to Instagram.. o.o Long Press has been around for years, even on iOS. It's just handled differently. ..You look into things way too much, dude. I've pro-android since 2010 when I got my first DROID, you think I wouldn't know it's been around for quite some time? This isn't "Long press is now on Android!", it's "Long Press is on INSTAGRAM".. Jeez, haha. Solomon Arnett 

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The video is about instagram, dude. You looked into too much and thought I was being some sort of ill-informed fanboy thinking it was a brand new feature and discrediting Android. Lol, I mean WHA?! The title states it was added to Instagram, that is literally all it's meant to be. I also never once mentioned it was a new feature added to android, it's not my bad phrasing, it's you jumping the gun and defending a platform when there was zero need to do so. Had I said, "made it's way to Android", your complaint would be warranted - bad phrasing. But I didn't, I said, "made it's way to Android on Instagram", same as if I'd have phrased it a bit definitely and said, "made it's way to Instagram for Android!".Solomon Arnett 

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It's not valid at all. It never had long press to "peak". It's had long press to copy and paste and other functions, but it has NOT had this feature on Android. Which is why tech sites are all making videos on the new feature that is also currently on Beta. Holy shit. Watch the video and don't just read the post and give your assumptions. You. Are. Not. Right. You admitted it last post that you obviously read the post wrong and now you just feel dumb and don't want to be wrong. Solomon Arnett 

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If you can provide a link before 3 days ago of proof of instagram having this specific features, I'll eat my words and admit you were right. But you're not going to because it was non existent. "Long Press" isn't a broad term, it's a specific feature to peak into photos before fully opening(like your iPhone). I don't mean long press in general. Solomon Arnett 

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You're wrong dude. Instagram has never had the long press peak feature before. Has it? No? Then I win. You misread and misthought and made yourself look like an ass. Because I fully agree with you in that Instagram and android have had long press features for years now. They actually recently just took away the long press feature for copy and pasting and now you long press to do quick replies and what not. You can even add back the long press feature to copy and paste with an xposed module. So I know that you thought you were defending android, but you did it stupidly and unnecessarily. Have a good one, though. :) Solomon Arnett 

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Okay, so in terms of Android having long press well before this video.. obviously. But Solomon Arnett, you completely got wrecked in this argument. He has stated many times it's only referring to Instagram itself and instagram has never had the peak feature before on Android and that's all he's talking about it. You're looking into the "long press" thing waaay too much. Also, while Android, as well as iOS and Windows (phones, computers, tablets, etc) has had long press forever now, Force Touch has implemented it in a different way. So while the same.. it's still not the same. Sorry, you definitely lost this argument man. All the points you made were right, because again, long press existed well before this. But you just ahead way too much.

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